Leptospirosis (Lepto)
Leptospirosis is a disease caused by the Leptospira bacterin that can affect both animals and humans. The vaccine protects your dog from contracting the bacterin that causes this disease.
Leptospirosis can be transmitted from animals to people. It is carried by wildlife such as rats, racoons, opossums, skunks, squirrels, and deer and can be found in places these animals urinate including lakes, streams, puddles, or soil in your backyard. Even if your dog doesn’t swim in natural bodies of water or drink from puddles, they are still at risk. Any dog that regularly goes outside is at risk for contracting Lepto.
If you have a puppy, they will receive a series of this vaccine beginning at 12 weeks of age and ending at 15-16 weeks of age. This series of vaccines will protect them for one year. After that one year, your dog will receive a yearly booster vaccination to continue the protection.
Vaccine Reactions
A small percentage of dogs and cats (like humans) can have an allergic reaction to vaccines. At the time of your appointment, you will be reminded about the signs that you need to watch for in case of a reaction.